Meet the owner!

Meet the owner!

My name is Haley Lyn Smith and this little hobby of mine has really developed into a big dream! Amid the covid crisis I went from always working to being at home. I knew if I didn’t put my energy into something productive I would go crazy. I bought a round board, some paint and stains and a Cricut. Next thing I knew I was getting orders left and right. After a year of making door hangers I decided to expand to clothing and the rest is history. 
In October 2021 I married my best friend. He has been my biggest supporter and the best assistant (not really my assistant but batting my eye lashes and giving a cute smile can get his help from time to time). We are often told that our relationship is goals and my response is always, the key to a successful relationship is always respecting each other. Even in times you don’t agree, as long as you respect each other you can get thru it! 
I have the most amazing kids! Their fierce, strong, independent personalities may be the death of me but I’m also so thankful! I know these skills will help them take on the world. Between my husband and I we have 5 children and 1 grand baby. I never would have imagined I’d be a “grandma” so young but that little boy stole my heart! 
I have worked many jobs and by far this is the hardest yet most rewarding. Some people look at being your own boss as easy but it takes a lot of self control, dedication and time to make your dreams come true. I couldn’t do it without each and every one of you! 
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